28 January 2009

SAPL 23 Things: Cosa Numero 23

Yay! Now I can go back to blogging about the things I normally discuss: library jumpies, personal experiences, and the like.

You know, I'm glad I've been doing these 23 Things because:
a) it got me blogging again on a regular basis
b) I now have more experience with certain things I'd ignored like Rollyo and Google Reader

I have to say I wasn't originally so interested in doing this program because I technically already knew a lot of this. However, the prizes were definitely a nice incentive and I did surprise myself by finding new websites-- ie, obsessions to explore ad nauseum. Yes, if there were another program like this, chances are good that I'd do it again.

My favorite activity, by far, was the image generator. To commemorate this awesome Cosa Numero 5, here's my very own LOLcat image.