Welcome to Jumpin' Friday. For those of you not in the know, here is a pretty loose description of what I call a jumpy:
A librarian (me) + a road trip + a library + a camera = a jumpy, or a picture in mid-jump
This road trip was for a destination wedding, and the following pictures show the trip back to San Antonio from Marfa, Texas. Alas, this was on a Sunday so all the libraries we came across were closed.
a) Marfa Public Library
Marfa, TX (06.07.09)
I know, you don't see a library sign here. I swear to you that this is the town library. I know that the locals (there are a little over 2,000 of them) know that this is the library, but I still think there should be more than just a book return in front of the building denoting it as such.
b) Jeff Davis County Library
Fort Davis, TX (06.07.09)
A friend of mine from college was from Ft. Davis and I never, ever thought I'd someday find myself there. Not for lack of wanting to go-- it is absolutely gorgeous-- but it's just so far from home.
I was not disappointed, and there was something lovely about the library there. Maybe it's the fact that it helped produce one of the funniest and most intelligent men I ever met at school. I couldn't help but be thrilled to see this ode to mind travel. YEAH!
And then... there was this...
I'm all about the Boys and Girls Club, and I am all about diversity, even when it's forced. Still, I have to say that the expression on the girl on the far left left me a tad traumatized.
I told my husband, "I think she's going to EAT ME" and... um... uh... yeah. That bat isn't too inviting, either.
I'm totally going to hell for making fun of this.
c) Balmorhea Public Library
Balmorhea, TX (06.07.09)
I have a soft spot for this library even though I've never been inside and I don't have any connection to it. It wasn't in our GPS. I simply happened to see it on the main road, and I had my husband pull a drastic (yet completely responsible) James Bond maneuver. This is one of those cases where a clear library sign led the way.
And because Michael is so amazing every time he captures me in mid-air, I wanted to post this pic I took of him outside the Balmorhea Public Library.
Thank you, my luv!