Academia nuts!
Seeing as how I'm married to a serious academic of the highest erudition (a phrase he chose while gleefully reading over my shoulder), it's a wonder that I am not more entrenched in the realm of academic libraries. I seriously considered it for awhile, and may again in the future. So here's a glimpse at some visits to some prestigious university libraries.
Alderman Library and
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections LibraryUniversity of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA (01.03.08)
As some of you know, I fell in love with Virginia and not just because of the glorious UVA campus. I think the food had something to do with it. We just had to visit UVA during our trip to Monticello, mainly because my love is such a Thomas Jefferson nut.
I don't think I've ever felt as cold as I did on that Virginia afternoon, so the fact that these pictures were even taken at all is an absolute miracle. This project motivates me to do some really insane things during really insane weather. Too bad the pictures don't really describe that.
Elizabeth Huth Coates LibraryTrinity University in San Antonio, TX (2.22.08)
I worked here for a year as a library assistant before I got married, so I have quite a close relationship with this one. I learned a lot about what I want and don't want out of a job. Most of the people here are absolutely amazing and I continue to have friendships with quite a few of them.
It also was my bread and butter as an undergrad, as it was where I did my work study. Oh, the epiphanies. I used to shelve while listening to my mixed cassette tapes on my Walkman. Yes, I'm that technologically challenged. I used that thing till roughly 2003...
Oh yeah. I also made out in the stacks here a few times. You know, standard library fare. But moving on! Above is a pic I took in April of 2007 right by the parking lot next to the library. As an employee, the pay isn't that great, but the gorgeous campus layout made it totally worth it.
Information Sciences Building and Library University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA (2.5.08)
This is the school I would have done my MLS at... had I not seen the gigantic price tag. Ha ha! No thanks! That prestigious degree can take a hike. As one of my librarian friends confided, librarians really don't get paid so much so there's no need to go to the big flashy schools. Just get the damn thing. Still, I went to the SIS library to focus on Capstone for my online MLS program.
Yes, I am in my last semester of library school. Behold my senioritis running rampant!
But this is what I think of working in libraries!