Out of curiosity, which five manga characters would you totally bake homemade cookies for? Here's my list:
i) Osaka (Azumanga Daioh) because she's random and so frikkin' adorable
ii) L (DeathNote) so I could see his thought wheels in action
iii) Nodame (Nodame Cantabile) because she loves food and I'd want to hear her say, "Gyabo!"
iv) Natsumi (You're Under Arrest) because of her energy and gluttony
v) Hoshino Hajime (Love Roma) just because he makes me laugh with his independence
I'll throw in Banpei-kun from Ah My Goddess! Sure, he's a robot, but he's loyal and pretty darn cute. Some choc n' chip won't hurt him. Ha ha.
Feel free to comment with your top choices!