The day I left the Burgh for good I did not get all that emotional. I enjoyed the ride, taking pictures of occasional bridges-- the kind I love, which is just about any type of bridge. I also made my last treks around PA, which naturally included libraries along the way.
a) New Bethlehem Area Free Public Library
New Bethlehem, PA (05.24.08)
I've learned about the library architectural aesthetic over the past year. Some libraries are blessed and others are just cursed. Guess for yourself on this one...
b) Dubois Public Library
Du Bois, PA (05.24.08)
Alas the library was closed when we dropped by, so there's no way to tell if the inside was more attractive than the outside. Yeah. I hope so.
c) Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library
Clearfield, PA (05.24.08)
Warmth and a beautiful library. Yay. A spring in my jump, fo' sho'.
My husband and I hope to one day own a home with a turret like in the picture above. Once I start rolling in those librarian bucks, maybe.